Your Sense of Relevance at the End of Career

May 14, 2022

Bursting with Expression

USA - 2011

An Often Unspoken, Yet Real Personal Concern

The anticipation and experience of your End of Career is a major life Transition. It will present you with number of unfamiliar challenges in addition to financial concerns. 

Whether you undergo a succession, sell your practice outright, close it or give notice to your employer, there are numerous matters that will require your attention.

Some of the challenges will be obvious to you, others not so much so. They are profound and common, yet often unspoken. Some can actually cause you to delay key decisions and will impede your progress.

Reasons I Encounter 

As a consultant and coach to medical professionals and other highly accomplished individuals concerning their End of Career Transition, I know there are obstacles that prevent individuals from ending their career and transitioning to the next phase of their lives. These are some of the less evident, but important reasons:

  • Not knowing how...
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Post Career Freedom and Choices: What to Do or Not Do

Apr 30, 2022

North Shore, Kauai - 2021

Your Freedoms, Your Choices…To Do or Not to Do

Your end of career is approaching. 

Your vision of this new phase of your life is becoming ever more clear. 

You are growing more confident that the dreams born of your imagination will become a reality. 

Your smile reflects joy of anticipation. 

You take a deep, deep breath that parallels the satisfaction you feel for what you have accomplished in life.

You feel deeply the conviction that you have earned the life that your aspire to live…and it really feels awesome! 

Well earned, well deserved!

 As I wrote these words, they seemed to flow easily. They describe my own life experience and that of others I have guided through this phase of their life’s journey. 

 A Time for You and New Feelings

This is your time for dreaming, planning, executing and experiencing the emerging reality of it all. Amidst the excitement, it is also a time to apply the skills...

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How to Fulfill Your Vision for the Next Phase of Your Life

Apr 23, 2022

Tranquil Flow, Madison River - 2004

Yellowstone National Park, WY

On Transforming Visions Into Joyful Reality

One fine morning with coffee in hand, you still savor that last sip of your custom brew.  You feel peaceful. Then a fleeting thought stirs up an awareness that you are thinking more and more about your future End of Career and the next great phase of your life. You smile and feel warmer inside…and then you feel a twinge of angst.

These are mixed emotions: joy and apprehension. They swirl around your mind stirred up much like the sweetener you blended into your coffee.

You wonder whether this is a common experience and how other successful colleagues deal with it. You might ask when is the right time to begin to deal with your ever increasing questions. 

You sense that you must do something. 

A Fictional Character that Reflects a Real Person 

This is the familiar story of Alex, a physician like many others you may know.

Alex is at that time of his...

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The Plans and Path for Your End of Career

Apr 16, 2022

Your Path, Your Destination

Buffalo River, Idaho - 2021

When to Create Your Strategy and How to Execute the Tactics

Your future End of Career is an event about which it is natural to experience feelings of excitement as well as some concerns.

As the time nears, your concerns may become more prevalent. A major reason is the recognition that this is an unfamiliar process.

But how do you know when is the right time to start planning, let alone what the end date will be?

As you try to answer that question, it becomes apparent that it is very difficult to determine when to begin to prepare when the necessary scope and duration of preparation is unknown.

The reality is that because this is a such a personal and professional matter, with so many different facets, it is impossible to predict how much work and time it will take. You can only anticipate so much…and there will probably be more to do than you thought necessary. 

The best way to know is to engage the challenge by...

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Why is "Retirement" Used to Describe Your End of Career?

Apr 09, 2022

Springing Forward, Bougainvillaea

Florida - 2004

How the Unnatural Origin of Words Render Them Meaningless

The purpose of language is to communicate ideas effectively. The use of words best serves that goal when their meaning accurately describes reality. Throughout millennia, mankind has strived to deal with the successes and failures of communication.

One example of the inaccurate use of words is the term “retirement.” 

My Encounter With “Retirement”

For many years I used that term as commonly used in the United States. That is, until the time came that I faced the unexpected end of my career as a Plastic Surgeon.

The diagnosis of cancer, its treatment and aftermath had a vivid way of broadening my perspective about life. The good news, is that am cured, healthy and well!

Questions as Teachers

Questions and answers have a way of broadening one’s perspective. Questions like Why and What?

It is especially at times of triumph, tragedy and transition...

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Key Personal Questions About Your Career Conclusion

Mar 26, 2022

Living the Dream

North Shore, Kauai, HI - 2021

Critical Questions for You and Your Spouse to Consider

You have decided to begin to prepare for your End of Career and have probably asked yourselves a variety of questions. They may include how to begin to prepare and more specifically, what to do in what order.

I Know That…

Some of these questions are personal in nature, while others are directed to professional matters that vary according to your type of practice.

It is important to have clarity about these matters. This will not only provide the foundation of your lifestyle plan, but the answers are essential for preparing your practice properly.

In this article, I address some of those concerns that I know are personally important to you and your spouse.

Your Next Lifestyle: the Big Picture

  • Do you want to stop practicing completely or have a gradual transition?
  • What will you and your spouse do afterwards?
  • How will those activities meet your needs to continue to fulfill your...
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Your Life After End of Career - Live by Design or Chance?

Mar 19, 2022

The Path to Transition

Tundra in Autumn, Alaska Range

Denali N. P., Alaska - 2011

This Is the Time to Summon Clarity, Conviction and Courage 

Tranquility and Equanimity

It is commonly familiar that it is in those quiet moments when our mind is free to wander, that we are the most creative.

For me, it is commonly during morning coffee or perhaps fly fishing on a beautiful river for trout or salmon.

There are other times when feeling the rhythm of my heartbeat and breathing is the only perceptible activity.

I usually make no effort to think about anything in particular. And yet, the more my mind wanders, the more meaningful are the insights, ideas and innovations that emerge.

I believe that this simple discipline can be beneficial as you plan your End of Career. 

It is then that you will have a window of opportunity prior to embarking on the next great phase of your life. This is the time for you to create plenty of time and space to comfortably design your roadmap. The map...

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Your Practice Succession - Preparation Pointers

Mar 12, 2022

Path and Pinnacle, - 2021

Path to Taggart Lake and The Teton Range

Grand Teton National Park

Proactive Preparation Benefits You Now and Supports Success in the Future

The preparation of your practice for succession involves undertaking a series of measures that elevate your practice performance, profitability and value beyond its present state. You will benefit now and at the time of acquisition. So will the physician that acquires it and succeeds you in the future.

Practices and Preparations 

Just as there are a variety of practice settings, the nature of corresponding preparations also vary significantly. These are primarily private solo or group practices and physicians who are otherwise employed.

In this article, the example is that of a solo, private practice. Many of the characteristics of this model are shared by other types of practices.

There are two areas of preparation that apply to most types of practices. By applying some variations in preparation, individual needs...

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How Perspective Can Affect Your End of Career Experience and Life Beyond

Mar 05, 2022

Facing the Facets, Pioneer Peak, Alaska - 2015

Factors That Can Affect Your Perspective

It is common for individuals to look forward to their End of Career Transition. There are others who, for variety of reasons, do not look forward to it. Both have in common some degree of apprehension born of many concerns that coexist with their positive aspirations. Yet, this is not an either/or perspective. Indeed, there are varied attitudes that differ greatly, as they reflect diverse personal and professional concerns.

Amidst these seemingly opposite viewpoints, there is yet another major one that is relatively common. It is that of colleagues that derive so much satisfaction from their role as a physician that they just want to keep practicing for as long as they are able.

I personally know colleagues that have each of these major perspectives. It is common to see a blend of these as well. As I reflect on my personal experience, understanding of human nature as well as that of the...

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Challenges, Character and Leadership

Feb 26, 2022

Elements of Character, Yosemite Valley

Yosemite National Park - 2008

Character, Purpose and Leadership

Great, existential challenges have a remarkable way of evoking different reactions from individuals with diverse personalities. One aspect of this, is that the responses range from cowering fear to towering bravery. The latter is witnessed in men known for their genuine boldness as well as the man who has been perceived as quietly meek. 

It is this seemingly outward meekness that is sometimes misunderstood for a quiet, steadfast resolve. 

Who Are These Leaders?

Exemplary leaders may be found at a humble home, small and large businesses, hospitals, churches and government bodies. The list is virtually endless. 

Some have a long record of leadership service; others seem to arise out of nowhere to meet the challenge they are confronted with. Perhaps you, as I have witnessed the behavior of individuals in the face of crisis:

The usually, boldly verbose remain...

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